2019: T-Minus 6 Days
As I tap out this message there are just six days left until CtC 2019.
Friday April 26, 5AM at Point State Park, Pittsburgh. But you already knew that.
In an effort to make collecting results a little easier there’s one small thing I’d like to ask riders to do a little differently this year. When you finish please text me (your CtC site admin) directly at 609-731-9894. I will need a name and your finish time. If you’d like to send me a finish photo too, that would be awesome. Expect some sort of quick reply text to confirm I got your message. I plan to publish first and last names in results here on the website, so if you are in witness protection or don’t want the Amish Mafia to know you’ve been riding your bicycle across Pennsylvania please use your first name and last initial or whatever nom du interwebs you want me to use. Please also send me a text if you pull out of the ride, with your name, a quick reason for stopping and the nearest town. (No, there is no sag wagon coming for you, I would just like to be able to include any DNF’s in the results.) I hope to recruit someone to briefly address the assembled mob at the start to give out my number to anyone who might have missed this post.
Feel free to also post your finish on social media of your choice using the hashtag #crushthecommonwealth2019. (Yeah, I know it’s long but if you can ride your bike 385 miles, surely you can manage to tap out a few extra characters on your phone.) It’s always fun for friends, family and the public in general to be able to follow along, I just hope to avoid having to scour the web to assemble a list of results. I might suggest sharing any Facebook posts with your ride progress or finish with the “I Will Crush the Commonwealth Group.”
I plan to get a list of results up here within a few days of the finish. I won’t be making any effort to post updates as the ride is going on.
Be safe. Have fun.
-Ron A.